# of watchers: 9
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| D20: 16 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: the net wrapped around them both he wraped his arms around her they lifted them both and put them in the back of one of the cars " tura.... " ( the boss spoke " looks like he has a friend with him " )
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura looked at them her eyes wide and full with tears she looked back at him and nuzzled into him.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn held her " what do you all want with me! " ( they laughed " why we just want to see what we did so we can make more nekkos of corse and maybe since your friends there with you we might find out how to make cat nekkos two " )
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura looked at him teary eyed and she hissed at them.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: ( they all laughed " you cant do anything from there nekko with that net around you your powerless you cant move your arms or leggs if numbs them " they all laughed " we might even have our way with your friend there " ) archwyn yelled " you touch her and you die! " ( they all laughed )
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura clentched her eye tightly laying on him.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn looked at tura and whispered " i wont let them harm or touch you "
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura sighed weakly.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: the car stoped and they threw them into a train cart and cut the ropes " you kiddys have fun " they slammed it shut then the train started to move
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura looked at Arch and then at the floor.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn held her then sighed " you shouldve ran... "
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura shook her head "No.." she lay her head on him.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn said " tura whyd you stay.... "
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura looked at him "Im not leaving no one in that way everi never will never have."
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn said " i wont let them experiment on you...this is my fault "
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura shook her head.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn said " you now u can get up whenever you want...but if u like me holding u then u can stay on me "
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura smiled and nuzzled into him
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn smiled then held her close to him and relized " tura your still in your bed clothes "
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura smirked "I knows..." she held onto him.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn kissed her
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura went bright red kissing him back she giggled.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn continued to kiss her
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura kissed him also.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: the doors opened and they shot the net at them and dragged them out and threw them into a armored car now in the center of the humans capital
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura yelped.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn whispered in her ear "it'll be ok...my wounds are now healed and they havnt taken my sword "
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura noded and cuddled him as much as she could.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: they threw them into a unbreakable glass room then cut the ropes then shut the door and locked it
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura cryed in apin after hurting her leg of the door.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn made sure she wasnt bleeding then placed her down then ran at the door ( they opened the door then shot archwyn and dragged him of to another room and closed the door tura was in then locked it
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura screamed "NO! GET OFF HIM CREEP!"
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn was thrown into another glass room near by turas then shut and locked archwyn went to the glass and placed his hand on it while staring at her
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura placed hers on his a single tear ran down her cheek.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: he blew her a kiss
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura smiled weakly and she curled up into a ball.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn pulled out his blade then stabbed threw his legg
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura yelped "ARCH!"
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: they opened his door then archwyn pulled out the blade and disabled their walking ability he took the key and started to limp his way to her room
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura ran to the door.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn opened the door and smiled " they shouldve taken my sword "
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura smiled and noded "she huged him and began walking.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn picked up a chair broke a window them picked her up and flew out carrying her while humans yelled at the window
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura clung to him.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyns legg was bledding badly but he ignored it he started flying to a nekko town on the human half of the world
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura looked at his leg.
2006-06-13 [emokid777]: archwyn landed in the town and put her down then started to limp again
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: Tura sighed and huged him
2006-06-13 [ILY;;]: (What happened:- Tura and Arch got took away from town after Tura ran away from Arch upset about her past. but they got away... more or less what happened in a lng way... :P)
2006-06-13 [the unseen artist]: SPike sat on the ground
2006-06-14 [emokid777]: archwyn walked into the inn with tura on hugging his arm
2006-06-16 [ILY;;]: Kiddy sat beside him smiling || Tura lent her head on his shoulder smiling.
2006-06-17 [emokid777]: archwyn bought a room and look over at her then smiled " shall we? "
2006-06-18 [ILY;;]: Tura blinked slightly staring mouth open He mean what i think ?!
2006-06-19 [Chellie Bear]: keta sighed and sat there
2006-06-19 [ILY;;]: Tura walked on || Kitty was on Spike giggling on his back clinging.
2006-06-19 [Chellie Bear]: keta started thinking
2006-06-21 [emokid777]: archwyn let her go into the room then followed and sat on a chair and closed his eyes and said " you have the bed "
2006-06-21 [Chellie Bear]: she pets talim thinking
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura looked at him "No... thats mean"
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn still sat there with his eyes closed
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura got up and walked over to him and sat on his knee "im not sleeping on there you are."
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn winced when she sat on his knee then said "ill sleep here"
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura sat on the other knee forgetting "No."
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn said " well im just ganna sleep here then and by the way i told the inn we were a couple for a discount for the room "
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura smirked shaking her head "heh its ok.." she laughed She went and layed on the floor.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn thought ~ why does she look at me like that... ~
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura curled up into a ball and but her jacket over her.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn stood up then went into the other room
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura sat up looking at him huh
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn put his hand over his mouth and coughed out blood
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura sat there looking waiting for him.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn got a cloth and wraped the wound on his leg then passed out hitting the floor hard
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura hurd and jumped up.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn coughed more blood while unconsious
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura ran threw and saw him she screamed and picked him up sitting him overso he wouldnt choak on the blood the picked him up softly running for help.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: a pill bottle droped outve his pocket thhe label read cough supressants
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura sat him down against a wall and took hold of it huh
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn lay on the wall of their room
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura but them in her pocket looking at him shook her head and picked him up.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn coughed some more blood
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura ran faster than she had tryed and finaly got some help.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: the stranger said " use the cough supressants on him the coughing should stop "
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura looked "urm how?"
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: the stranger opened the bottle and got out 3 pills " that should do it! "
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura looked at him "and what ....."
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: the stranger said " well put them in his mouth and make him swallow hes your husband "
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Turas eyes went wide "yeah yeah..." she went off butting them in his mouth
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyns coughing stoped
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura smiled and went back to the room
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn opened his eyes " looks like its in reverse now heh " archwyn smiled
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura smiled holding him.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn leaned up and kissed her
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura kissed him back placing a hand on his cheek
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn kissed her again
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura kissed back.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn stood then pulled her onto the bed with him while kissing her
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Turas eyes went wide kissing him back laying on the bed.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn reframed from doing more then went onto his side
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura stared at him and smiled cuddling into him.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn cuddled back then kissed her forehead ~ her lips draw me in...i want to but cant ~
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura nuzzled into him softly smiling.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn closed his eyes while holding her
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura kissed him on the cheek smiling.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn kissed her forehead again
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura smiled nuzzling her hean into his neck softly
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn rubbed her hand with his head as it was on his neck
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura smiled widely
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn thought as she touched his neck ~ i cant resist anymore ~ he kissed her lips passionitly
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Turas eyes went wide kissing him back the same
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn couldnt stop kissing her
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura also couldnt stop and was going red
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: a hour later after they were done making love they went to sleep
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura was slepping with her head on his chest and yawned.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn slept with a arm around her and one under her
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura was a little awake but soon fell back to sleep.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn herd yelling downstairs and woke tura " hurry get dressed the humans are here.. " archwyn started putting on his armor conceiing his many scars
2006-06-22 [Chellie Bear]: keta sat on her porch and yawned and pet talim til talim fell asleep
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura got ready tieing her hair back
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn put his blade in the holdster then they started banging on the door archwyn said " i hope ur ready tura! "
2006-06-22 [Chellie Bear]: she walked in her house and put talim in her bed then heard footsteps behind her
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura noded.
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn picked her up then they busted the door down and archwyn flew toward the window
2006-06-22 [Chellie Bear]: she turned and saw a human there and murka attacked him and bit his neck hard and keta got her cats and ran out the back door ~if theres one theres bound to be more~
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura clung to him tight
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn busted threw the window and had a net on his foot slowly making him desend ~ shit.. ~
2006-06-22 [ILY;;]: Tura looked "Ok crap!"
2006-06-22 [emokid777]: archwyn said " can u cut it? or remove it... "
2006-06-22 [Chellie Bear]: she ran in the forrest behind her house and and climbed a tree put her cats down and started jumping through the trees
2006-06-23 [ILY;;]: Tura noded and removed it with out hurting him and smiled.
2006-06-24 [emokid777]: archwyn smiled and flew higher
2006-06-24 [Chellie Bear]: Keta and her cats kept jumping through the trees ~this is just great~
2006-06-25 [ILY;;]: Tura clung to him tighter.
2006-06-25 [emokid777]: archwyn flew towards grandia
2006-06-26 [ILY;;]: Tura just kept a tight grip.
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike sat on the side of the street
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy walked up "what you doing..."
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: "waiting for you"
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled and huged him
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike hugged her back
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy sat beside him.
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike put his arm around her
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy nuzzled into him smiling
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike lifted her face and kissed her lips
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy kissed him back holding him.
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike let kiddy lay in his arms as they watched the traffic go by
2006-06-27 [Chellie Bear]: Keta kept jumping throught the trees then landed on the ground and looed around "wow no more trees" she started running followed by her cats
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy lifted her knees up sitting nuzzling into Spike
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike gave a slight laugth due to being tickleish
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy giggled "Aw cute" she nuzzled more.
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike laugthed more
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy giggled looking at him.
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: "please stop"
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled noding and kissed him.
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: spike kissed her back
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: "i love you
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled "I love you to" she cuddled into him.
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: "i wish we could be like this forever" a tear came to spike's eye
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "Why cant we" she looked at him.
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: "because we will get older."
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled "Dont stop doing this does it.." she kissed him
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: "stop doing what?" Spike kissed her
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him"What we do now... its not going to change.."
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: "no only get more serious"
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at im.
2006-06-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike stared off across the street
2006-06-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked atthe floor
2006-07-05 [emokid777]: archwyn placed tura on the floor gently
2006-07-05 [ILY;;]: Tura sat there and smiled.
2006-07-05 [emokid777]: archwyn clutched his head then fell to the floor
2006-07-05 [ILY;;]: Tura crawled towrds him "Arch?!"
2006-07-05 [emokid777]: he opened his eyes and whispered " i love you "
2006-07-05 [ILY;;]: Tura lay beside him and sighed "I love you to .." she she kissed his cheek.
2006-07-05 [emokid777]: archwyn kissed tura back and then stood and offers her a hand up
2006-07-05 [ILY;;]: Tura took hold of his hand and stood up.
2006-07-05 [emokid777]: archwyn smiled then stared into her eyes
2006-07-05 [ILY;;]: Tura looked up reizing him staring and stared back.
2006-07-05 [emokid777]: archwyn held her close then whispered " i remember it now...i promised we would be together again....i became a nekko for your mothers aproval... "
2006-07-05 [ILY;;]: Tura nuzled into him and smiled wide.
2006-07-05 [emokid777]: archwyn said " a 10 percent chance of living...and i took it " he smiled
2006-07-05 [ILY;;]: Tura giggled and clung to him and kissed him softly
2006-07-05 [emokid777]: archwyn kissed tura back
2006-07-05 [ILY;;]: Tura smiled
2006-07-05 [emokid777]: archwyn smiled (( bye... ))
2006-07-05 [ILY;;]: Tura huged him a lil.
2006-07-11 [the unseen artist]: the time when mardo was hit by a car flashed through spike's mind
2006-07-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy was still cuddling into him.
2006-07-11 [the unseen artist]: Spike shock slightly.
2006-07-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked
2006-07-11 [the unseen artist]: spike shook again
2006-07-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy let go "huh"
2006-07-11 [the unseen artist]: "mardo" spike began to cry
2006-07-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy huged him tight
2006-07-11 [the unseen artist]: Spike huged her back
2006-07-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled a lil
2006-07-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy stared "I knows"
2006-07-11 [the unseen artist]: "he died trying to save me"
2006-07-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "That is not your folt"
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